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What is the use of faces-config.xml in JSF 2?

After the JSF 2 big support for annotations, I'm wondering what I would use the faces-config.xml for. What is its importance now?

In other words, what are the configurations that can only be done through faces-config.xml and not via annotations?

Right now all what I am using it for is to declare Spring's EL resolver.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


It's still to be used for many things which can't be annotated. Eg custom JSF validation messages:


A global i18n bundle (so that you don't need to declare <f:loadBundle> in every view):


Explicitly supported i18n locales (so that the not-declared ones will be ignored even though there's a message bundle or resource bundle for it):


Custom view handlers :


Phase listeners (there's still no annotation for that):


Managed beans which can't be annotated (the below one gives current Date on #{now} ):

    <description>Current date and time</description>

Custom factories, such as custom exception handler factory (it also allows factories for FacesContext , ExternalContext , LifeCycle and many more so that you can provide your custom implementation):


To name only the commonly used ones. If you have faces-config.xml tag autocompletion in your IDE, you can find them all out. Only the managed beans, validators, converters, components, renderers and point-to-point navigation cases are not needed anymore thanks to the new annotations and implicit navigation.

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