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How to generate IIS7 CSR (for SSL) from C# code or using Powershell on server which IIS is running

How I can generate a server SSL Certificate Signing Request (CSR) from C#? If PowerShell is a better option, that would be a good solution as well.

I know it's three years later, but the links in Yahia's solution state that they will not work for Server 2008. Using PowerShell, I was able to use Certreq.exe, which ships with Server 2008, to generate the CSR. The documentation for Certreq is here , along with the full format for the INF file. Of course, substitute your own values for the distinguished name. The letters correspond to these fields:

  • : Common Name :通用名称
  • : Organization :组织
  • : Organizational Unit :组织单位
  • : City/locality :城市/地区
  • : State/Province :州/省
  • : Country/region :国家/地区

The script assumes you have an environment variable named TEMP that points to a directory for which you have write access:

$reqFile = 'C:\ChangeMe\Request.req'
Push-Location $env:TEMP

Subject = "CN=www.contoso.com, O=Contoso Inc, OU=Sales, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US"
ProviderName = "Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider"
KeyLength = 2048
MachineKeySet = true
FriendlyName = "www.contoso.com"
"@ | Out-File .\request.inf -Encoding default -Force

certreq -f -new request.inf `"$reqFile`"

For those who are new to PowerShell, the @" and "@ delimiters must not be indented. (These define what is known as a "Here-String"... more information here .)

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