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Read Value from Resource file using String

I have an enum with some data on it, also I have a resource file with the same data of the enum but using different translation


enum test
    Sun =1,
    Mon = 2

The resource file : Text.resx

Sun --> Sunday
Mon --> Monday

Now I want to get the value from the resource file but not using

string data = Resources.Text.Sun; 

but using my enum value , I have found some code but I have an exception, the code is following :

string resourceFile = "~/App_GlobalResources/Text.resx";
string filePath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.ToString();
ResourceManager resourceManager = ResourceManager.CreateFileBasedResourceManager(resourceFile, filePath, null);
string resourceValue = resourceManager.GetString(myEnum.ToString());

and I got the following Exception

Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture (or the neutral culture) on disk. baseName: ~/App_GlobalResources/Text.resx locationInfo: fileName: ~/App_GlobalResources/Text.resx.resources

please help as soon as you can

Thanks in Advance

The resource is probably be a part of your assembly. Why don't you use the following? Resources.ResourceManager.GetString(test.Sun.ToString())

If you are using a local resource and the name of the resource item is Sun, u can write the following


Edited: don't forget to name the resource file as ur webpage file name and use a App_LocalResources : EX: webpage is Test.aspx , then your resource file is Test.aspx.resx

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