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PHP - displaying just PHP files from a directory and sub directories

This is my first project using PHP and I've been stuck on this for almost 2 days now! I want to get all my PHP files from a directory and any sub directories and display them in iframes. I've managed to get it to display all the files in the directory, but I only want the PHP files, please see below. Thanks in advance for any help/advice.

$path[] = 'work/*';

while(count($path) != 0)

$v = array_shift($path);
foreach(glob($v) as $item)
    if (is_dir($item))
        $path[] = $item . '/*';
    elseif (is_file($item))
  "<iframe width=420 height=150 frameborder=0 src='$item'></iframe>",



Simple...replace $path[] = 'work/*'; with $path[] = 'work/*.php';

You're already using glob , this is the simplest way.


elseif (is_file($item))


elseif (is_file($item) && substr($item, -4) == '.php')

You can also use PHP's directory iterators, but the above is all you really need to do to get it working.

Eh, for fun, here's the iterator approach:

$dir = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator('work');
$iter = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir);
$regex = new RegexIterator($iter, '/^.+\.php$/');

foreach($regex as $filename)
  // do something with $filename

You should have better code :) I specially did not add iframe so you can edit it by yourself to get a bit more experience :)

$iterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator('work/');

$files_count = 0;

foreach( new RecursiveIteratorIterator($iterator) as $filename => $cur) {
    $file_info = pathinfo($filename);

    if($file_info['extension'] === 'php') {
        echo $filename . "<br />";

echo "Total: $files_count files<br />";

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