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DataGridView.Datasource = null; ERROR: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

I'm confused as to why setting the datasource of a datagridview control to null, would cause an "object reference not set to an instance of an object" error. Thanks in advance

while (xmlReader.Read())
    if ((xmlReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) && (xmlReader.Name == "deposits"))
        oDeposit.DepAmt = Convert.ToDouble(xmlReader.GetAttribute("depamount"));
        oDeposit.DepDate = Convert.ToDateTime(xmlReader.GetAttribute("depdate"));
        oDeposit.DepositId = Convert.ToInt32(xmlReader.GetAttribute("depid"));

        **dgvDeposits.DataSource = null;**
        dgvDeposits.DataSource = oCustomer.Deposits;            

You should use this instead of setting DataSource to null:

dgvDeposits.DataSource = typeof(Deposit);

Please check following question it might have an explanation for your exception.

Ok, So I know I'm new to this, but I had the same type of problem. I found that creating a DataTable using the Columns in the DataGridView then setting the table as the DataSource fixes the problem.

DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add("DepAmt", typeof(double));
dt.Columns.Add("DepDate", typeof(DateTime));
dt.Columns.Add("DepositId", typeof(int));
dgvDeposits.DataSource = dt;       

This site is what I referenced.

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