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Check if $var = anything in an array?

I need to be able to test if $post_count is equal to any number in a given array. Here is an example of what I am trying to achieve:

$posts_even = array(2,4,6,8,10);
$posts_odd = array(1,3,5,7,9);
$posts_ev3 = array(1,4,7,10);
$posts_ev4 = array(1,5,9);


$post_count=++; //in wordpress loop so each subsequent post is +1


if ($post_count= //any value in $posts_ev4) :
    echo 'this'
else :

I have been able to make this work using the or operator but I end up with very long blocks of code.....

if (($post_count=1) || ($post_count=2)) :
    echo 'this'
else :

I am guessing there is a simpler way to do this but I am new to PHP so I am not sure! Any help would be greatly appreciated.



if (in_array($post_count, $post_ev4)) {}

See: in_array()

if (in_array($post_count, $posts_ev4)) :
    echo 'this'
else :


There are array functions in php. Ypu can use "is_array" function to check whether its array or not. & to check for a value you can use "in_array" function.

if(is_array($array) && in_array($post_count,$array))
   // do operation

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