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Ideas on how to zoom on a Chart control in WPF

summarizing I have implemented a chart control as a simple Canvas with a Polyline on it. The next thing I need is to be able to zoom the chart.

I would like to know how would you that (just the idea, no details needed). What I would like to do is to create somehow a bigger Canvas and paint the line bigger and just show a part of the Canvas to the user, and the he drags the Chart it will move the Canvas. Something like in the following picture. Do you think this is possible?


Kael Rowan from Microsoft Research built a ZoomableCanvas class that may do exactly what you want. You can also see all the posts he wrote about it . You can even try a running XBAP example if your browser supports it.

We use the RenderTransform for this, create your zoom and pan matrix( or transform ) and apply that to your canvas. The nice thing is, that you can still have elements that can display behind or on top of the canvas with the identity transform or with another. For example for a grid or screen space elements like a minimap, which should always be visible. You might also want to look into this old question, which is somehow related.

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