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ContextMenuStrip without stealing focus

Do you have any idea how to show ContextMenuStrip without stealing focus to current control? I would like to do sort of autocomplete with TextBox and ContextMenuStrip below it as list of options to choose. But whenever I show ContextMenuStrip it steals focus from textbox so I cannot catch Text_Changed again... I want to use ContextMenuStrip because I want to use pictures, or other other controls in list of given items.


Not sure what you mean by 'cannot catch Text_Changed' again ? I would imagine something like this should work :

// event registered to text box's text changed event
private void HandlerForTextChanged() 
  // Get The Current Text So Far Filled In
  // Process and Show Contextmenu strip
  // Reset the focus back to text box (textbox1.SetFocus()) 

Also, can also think of re-designig the control as one composite control.

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