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I have a txt file. How can I take dictionary key values and print the line of text they appear in?

I have a txt file. I have written code that finds the unique words and the number of times each word appears in that file. I now need to figure out how to print the lines that those words apear in as well. How can I go about doing this?

Here is a sample output: Analyze what file: itsy_bitsy_spider.txt
Concordance for file itsy_bitsy_spider.txt itsy : Total Count: 2 Line:1: The ITSY Bitsy spider crawled up the water spout Line:4: and the ITSY Bitsy spider went up the spout again

#this function will get just the unique words without the stop words. 
def openFiles(openFile):

    for i in openFile:
        i = i.strip()
        b = i.lower()
        thislist = b.split()
        for a in thislist:
            if a in stopwords:
    #print wordlist

#this dictionary is used to count the number of times each stop 
countdict = {}
def countWords(this_list):
    for word in this_list:
        depunct = word.strip(punctuation)
    if depunct in countdict:
        countdict[depunct] += 1
        countdict[depunct] = 1
from collections import defaultdict

target = 'itsy'
word_summary = defaultdict(list)
with open('itsy.txt', 'r') as f:
    lines = f.readlines()

for idx, line in enumerate(lines):
    words = [w.strip().lower() for w in line.split()]
    for word in words:

unique_words = len(word_summary.keys()) 
target_occurence = len(word_summary[target]) 
line_nums = set(word_summary[target])

print "There are %s unique words." % unique_words 
print "There are %s occurences of '%s'" % (target_occurence, target) 
print "'%s' is found on lines %s" % (target, ', '.join([str(i+1) for i in line_nums]))

If you parsed the input text file line by line, you could maintain another dictionary that is a word -> List<Line> mapping. ie for each word in a line, you add an entry. Might look something like the following. Bearing in mind I'm not very familiar with python, so there may be syntactic shortcuts I've missed.


countdict = {}
linedict = {}
for line in text_file:
    for word in line:
         depunct = word.strip(punctuation)
         if depunct in countdict:
             countdict[depunct] += 1
             countdict[depunct] = 1

         # add entry for word in the line dict if not there already
         if depunct not in linedict:
             linedict[depunct] = []

         # now add the word -> line entry

One modification you will probably need to make is to prevent duplicates being added to the linedict if a word appears twice in the line.

The above code assumes that you only want to read the text file once.

openFile = open("test.txt", "r")

words = {}

for line in openFile.readlines():
  for word in line.strip().lower().split():
    wordDict = words.setdefault(word, { 'count': 0, 'line': set() })
    wordDict['count'] += 1


print words

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