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Drawing multiple shapes onto a JPanel

I apologise if this has any element of ambiguity, but I am kind of overwhelmed by the Java Swing/AWT libraries (I hate GUI programming!).

Basically I have set up a very basic JFrame with a JPanel as such:

public void drawGUI() {
    //Instantiate the JFrame.
    mainFrame = new JFrame("Ping Pong alpha1");
    mainFrame.setLayout(new BorderLayout());

    //Instantiate & setup the JPanels.
    btnPan = new JPanel();
    canPan = new JPanel();
    canPan.setLayout(new BoxLayout(canPan, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS));
    statPan = new JPanel();
    statPan.setLayout(new BoxLayout(statPan, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS));

    //Add JPanels to mainFrame.
    mainFrame.add(btnPan, BorderLayout.PAGE_END);
    mainFrame.add(canPan, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    mainFrame.add(statPan, BorderLayout.LINE_END);

    //Instantiate & setup JMenuBar.
    menuBar = new JMenuBar();
    mainFrame.add(menuBar, BorderLayout.PAGE_START);

    //Instantiate JMenu's & JMenuItem's.
    gameMenu = new JMenu("Game");
    helpMenu = new JMenu("Help");
    newGame = new JMenuItem("New Game");
    exit = new JMenuItem("Exit Game");
    about = new JMenuItem("About");

    //Add JMenuItems to their JMenu's.

    //Add items to JPanels.
    canvas = new PongCanvas();

    //Set window parameters and pack.
    mainFrame.setSize(800, 600);

My question is this; is there a way of drawing components dynamically onto the canPan object? ie a circle and some rectangles? The position of these components will of course change with user input.

Yes, override it's paintComponent(Graphics g) method and draw on a copy of the passed Graphics object (which you will subsequently dispose of).

For more information, see 2D Graphics .


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