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Zend_Form not rendering

Folks, I'm having some problems making a form render/display in my webpage. Well, it works fine in my local server, but once I use the same code in a remote server, the webpage displays fine, but the form is missing.

OS: Win 7
PHP: 5.3.8
Apache: 2.2.21
Zend: 1.11.3

Remote Server:
OS: Linux CentOS release 5.5
PHP: 5.3.8
Apache: 2.2.3
Zend: 1.11.3


class forms_FeedbackForm extends Zend_Form {

public function init() {


$feedback = new Zend_Form_Element_Textarea('feedback');

$submit = new Zend_Form_Element_Button('submitButton');

} }


class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action {

public function indexAction() {

$form = new forms_FeedbackForm();

  $this->view->form = $form; 

} }


echo $this->form;

However, if I replace the echo statement with print_r($this->form), I see the object details with both servers.

Use a capital for your class: Forms_FeedbackForm instead of forms_FeedbackForm. The autoloader doesn't find it on Linux.

Generally when problems like this occure between Linux and Windows servers it's a capital problem. Linux is case sensitive, windows isn't.

Your code looks fine. I suggest you set display exceptions on in your application.ini:

resources.frontController.params.displayExceptions = 1 And make sure your error view displays exceptions.

Make sure that your view looks like <?php echo $this->form; ?> <?php echo $this->form; ?> , otherwise, the PHP won't actually execute.

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