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specify NUnit test to run

I have an NUnit project creating a Console Application for running tests. The entry point looks like this:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string[] my_args = { Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location };

        int returnCode = NUnit.ConsoleRunner.Runner.Main(my_args);

        if (returnCode != 0)


What can I pass in as an argument if I wanted to run this one test ONLY:

public class EmailNotificationTest
    public void MailerDefaultTest()

Clearly this is supported, and just as clearly I have no idea how to do it.


It looks like with v3+, this is possible with the --test option, per the documentation .

The latest version (NUnit 3) allows to debug tests and also to specify test(s) for execution.


The --debug option launches debugger to debug tests, for example:

nunit3-console.exe "C:\path\to\the\tests.dll" --debug

Filter tests

Now you have a number of different ways to select test(s) to run. The first option is --test=NAMES . Combining this option and --debug you can easily debug only one test, for example:

nunit3-console.exe "C:\path\to\the\tests.dll" --debug --test="EmailNotificationTest.MailerDeSecondTest" 

Don't forget about the namespace if the class has it.

Using --testlist=PATH option you can run all tests specified in a file, for example:

nunit3-console.exe "C:\path\to\the\tests.dll" --debug --testlist="testnames.txt" 

There is also --where=EXPRESSION option indicating what tests will be run. This option is intended to extend or replace the earlier --test , --include and --exclude options. Please check the official documentation if you want to know more about this option.

You can mark your test with [Category("RunOnlyThis")] attribute, and then tell NUnit to run tests only matching this specific category:


is the attribute you need to add to console runner arguments. More here .

You can use /run switch of NUnit console to specify the test that you want to run.

Like this:



nunit-console.exe "C:\UnitTests.dll" /run:UnitTests.EmailNotificationTest.MailerDefaultTest

As @Toto said, use the NUnit Gui , you can pick and choose.


An application comes with NUnit, and the application can launch the test you want. It's really useful, and you don't have to write code to run test.

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