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Creating a WCF PUT Rest service

I have a simple REST web service in WCF that is declared as follows:

[WebInvoke(Method = "PUT",UriTemplate = "comptatge/add",RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
public void GravaComptatge(MyDataContract contract)

where MyDataContract is a class with simple properties.

Now I send a put Request using fiddler to see if it works OK. In the body I send JSON with the same properties as MyDataContract but it's not working. I get a 400 Bad Request HTTP error. What am I doing wrong here? The service is hosted in a MVC app using ServiceRoute. Other GET services work OK.

这发生在我之前,并在请求标头中添加Content-Type: application/json是解决方案。

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