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How to copy in bash all directory and files recursive?

I have script:

find ./SourceFolder/ -maxdepth 4 -exec cp -R '{}' ./DestFolder/ \;

SourceDir contains also sub-folders.

Problem that in DestFolder not only all tree, but in up level all another levels and files.

How to fix?

cp -r ./SourceFolder ./DestFolder

code for a simple copy.

cp -r ./SourceFolder ./DestFolder

code for a copy with success result

cp -rv ./SourceFolder ./DestFolder

code for Forcefully if source contains any readonly file it will also copy

cp -rf ./SourceFolder ./DestFolder

for details help

cp --help

also try this cp -r./dist/*./out ;

this command will copy dist/* files to out dir;


cp -arf ./SourceFolder ./DestFolder

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