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Posting to Facebook Newsfeed using Graph API in PHP

I am trying to post a message to a user's feed (wall).

I've already got the publish_stream permission and have the user's id ( $fbid ) and access token ( $access_token ), however I am only able to post an empty message to the wall.

This is what the post looks like:

User Name

Like · Comment · 12 minutes ago via AppName

So basically all the content of the message is missing (everything in the $data variable).

This is the code I used:

include 'facebook.php'; 
$facebook = new Facebook(array(appId =>  $app_id,
                               secret => $app_secret,
                               cookie => true));

$data['post'] = array('access_token' => $access_token,
                      'message' => 'Sign up now',
                      'picture' => 'http://myurl.com/images/pic.jpg',
                      'link' => 'http://myurl.com/',
                      'caption' => 'Get early access to our app'); 

$post_id = $facebook->api('/'.$fbid.'/feed/', 'post', $data);

What am I missing? Why is $data content not displayed in the post?

The problem is with $data['post'] you are not sending correct data to the API.

Change it to $data I am not really sure why you have the 'post' part in there for.

If you need it in the format $data['post'] then change your API call to read

$post_id = $facebook->api('/'.$fbid.'/feed/', 'post', $data['post']);

See example at https://gist.github.com/3378724

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