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SQLite3 UPDATE error in python

I am getting an "Operator error near "?"" error when I run the following SQL statement;

    key = 'field_a'
    value = '01/01/2011'
    #self.testac = '010101010'

    self.qry.execute('''UPDATE data_base SET ?=? WHERE atnumber = ?''',(key, value, self.testac))

key and value are dynamically generated based on the field the user wants to edit which is why the SET statement has ?=?

Any ideas?


At a guess, the ? syntax is only for parameter binding. That is, inserting the values of bound parameters converted appropriately formatted and escaped strings. It's not a general string substitution facility – just use regular string substitution for the column names.

For example, you'd use:

key = 'field_a'
value = '01/01/2011'
#self.testac = '010101010'

sql = '''UPDATE data_base SET %(key)s=? WHERE atnumber = ?''' % dict(key=key)
self.qry.execute(sql, (value, self.testac))

The ? syntax is only for binding value to protect against injection attacks ( example ).

If you are going to take user input for the left side of the = you have to make sure to sanitize it your self. To dynamically generate statements any python string method will work, but you really shouldn't do this.

A better way would be to have a dictionary of pairs {key:sql_str}

call_dict = {'col_name':'UPDATE data_base SET col_name=? WHERE atnumber=?'}

[edit, fixed typo]

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