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How can i dynamically allocate memory for a array of pointers in C?

I need to allocate memory dynamically for an array of pointers.

Let us assume,

char *names[50];
char *element;

I used the following code to allocate memory dynamically which is producing error.

names=malloc(sizeof(char *));

Afterwards, i need to assign another character pointer to this one, say


I am getting error as ": warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type" .

How can i resolve this?

names=malloc(sizeof(char *));

Will allocate either 4 or 8 bytes (depending on your system). This doesn't make sense since your array was already sized at 50 entries in the declaration...


This is not how arrays are used in C. You have declared that there are 50 elements in "names" and each one is allocated as a different pointer to an array of characters. You need to decide which element in the array you want to assign. For eaxample:

char *test1 = "test string 1";
char *test2 = "test string 2";

names[0] = test1; // Assign pointer to string 1 to first element of array
names[1] = test2; // Assign pointer to string 2 to second element of array

If you want to dynamically allocate an array of N char * pointers, then you would use:

char **names;

names = malloc(N * sizeof p[0]);

To assign the char * value element to the first element in the array, you would then use:

names[0] = element;

您可能需要查看本教程: http : //dystopiancode.blogspot.com/2011/10/dynamic-multiDimension-arrays-in-c.html它说明了如何为数组,矩阵,多维数据集和超立方体分配动态内存,以及还有如何释放它。

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