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MEF recursive plugin search

Let's say that I have a few applications in a folder (each application has subfolders where plugins can be located):

  • Clients
    • Application A
      • ...
    • Application B
      • ...
    • Application C
      • ...
    • ...

Some files in these applications have an Export-attribute applied, others don't. Now, I want to be able to load these plugins in some of these applications. Is there a proper way to let MEF search recursively in every subfolder of a specified folder?

No, you will need to recurse through the directories yourself creating a DirectoryCatalog for each. Then, combine all of the DirectoryCatalog s with an AggregateCatalog to create the container.

Another way is to get all the DLL files under a specified directory (recursively) and load them one by one using the assembly catalog.`

var catalog = new AggregateCatalog();

        var files = Directory.GetFiles("Parent Directory", "*.dll", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

        foreach (var dllFile in files)

                var assembly = Assembly.LoadFile(dllFile);
                var assemblyCatalog = new AssemblyCatalog(assembly);
            catch (Exception e)
               // this happens if the given dll file is not  a .NET framework file or corrupted.


There's a MEFContrib project available that has a RecursiveDirectoryCatalog for just this purpose...


I created an implementation based in Nicholas Blumhardt answer, I hope that code helps others in future.

private void RecursivedMefPluginLoader(AggregateCatalog catalog, string path)
    Queue<string> directories = new Queue<string>();
    while (directories.Count > 0)
        var directory = directories.Dequeue();
        //Load plugins in this folder
        var directoryCatalog = new DirectoryCatalog(directory);

        //Add subDirectories to the queue
        var subDirectories = Directory.GetDirectories(directory);
        foreach (string subDirectory in subDirectories)

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