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How does one install pyzmq 2.1.10 for python2.6 on window xp win32?

I'm trying to install pyzmq and there seems to be no working windows binarys for py2.6 at pipy Also there are none at https://github.com/zeromq/pyzmq/downloads . They do have a msi for pyzmq 2.1.4 but that one also does not seem to work.

Tried easy_install-2.6 pyzmq which ties to install pyzmq 2.1.10 but fails with the error

Fatal: ZMQ directory must be specified on Windows via setup.cfg or 'python setup.py      configure --zmq=/path/to/zeromq2'

error: Setup script exited with 1

then tied
easy_install-2.6 pyzmq configure --zmq=C:\\home\\installed_applications\\ZeroMQ_2.1.10 and get the same error so I decide to download pyzmq-2.1.10 I cd into C:\\Python26\\Lib\\site-packages\\pyzmq-2.1.10 and run python setup.py configure --zmq==C:\\home\\installed_applications\\ZeroMQ_2.1.10 and I get running configure

Configure: Autodetecting ZMQ settings... Custom ZMQ dir: C:\\home\\installed_applications\\ZeroMQ_2.1.10 Fatal: Failed to run ZMQ test program. Please check to make sure:

* You have a C compiler installed
* A development version of Python is installed (including header files)
* A development version of ZMQ >= 2.1.4 is installed (including header files)
* If ZMQ is not in a default location, supply the argument --zmq=<path>
* If you did recently install ZMQ to a default location,
  try rebuilding the ld cache with `sudo ldconfig`
  or specify zmq's location with `--zmq=/usr/local`

I also tried building it using the instructions zeromq gives here http://www.zeromq.org/docs:windows-installations but there seems to be gaps either in me knowing how to use the ruby installer or in the instructions.

Lastly I tried using a windows installer from http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#pyzmq but that gave me the following error

import zmq Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "C:\\Python26\\Lib\\site-packages\\pyzmq-2.1.10\\zmq__init__.py", line 35, in from zmq.utils import initthreads # initialize threads ImportError: cannot import name initthreads

I also tired installing via the link at the very bottom of http://www.zeromq.org/docs:windows-installations linking to http://miru.hk/archive/ZeroMQ-2.1.10-win32.exe but I also get an error message.

Has anyone got this to work lib to work with python2.6? python2.7 seems to have no issues.

Actually even if you use the win installers from https://github.com/zeromq/pyzmq/downloads for python2.7 for zmq 2.1.10 you get the error IPython.zmq requires pyzmq >= 2.1.4, but you have 2.1. 10 . Clearly a bug in the checking of the version. The older version 2.1.7 works seems to work because the 7 passes the check since its one digit long I'm guessing.

After installing Christoph Gohlke's unofficial binary, did you try to copy libzmq.dll to python26\\DLLs\\ ? Or move it to a directory that is on your PATH

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