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Foursquare API Getting friends checkin History

So I've created an app on foursquare and used this tutorial to get the user to accept my application for their FourSquare account.

Now I was under the impression after I did this I would be able to access their checkin history. I've tried pulling their USER_ID and used this $friend = $fsObj->get('/users/USER_ID_HERE'); to get the users information. But when I access their checkins $friend->response->user->checkins I only see their latest and most recent checkin. Yet their count is greater then one.

I am assuming there is something messed up with them not being an authorized user of my app yet in their profile->settings it shows them that their account is attached to my app.

Any help would be greatly appreciated on how to access their checkin history! Thanks! :)

At the moment the API will only return venue history for the authenticated use (user logged in).


I am also hoping to be able to see top visited venues by user at some point soon. Foursq folk, any eta on when we'd be able to get at least a top 10 from any friended user of the authenticated profile?

To access the authorized user's checkin history, you need the /users/USER_ID/checkins endpoint. The /users endpoint it appears you're using only shows one checkin that's used by the native apps to populate the "last seen at" information.


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