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How to deserialize JSON values in C# and ASP.NET?

I need to fetch some values obtained from an web URL. The JSON is as given:

{"country":{"name":"India","State":"Raj": Count :239}, "Population": 25487}

Now i want to fetch the value of Count and Population using C#.

I have tried using JavaScriptSerializer(); But the problem is that its response time is much much slower.

Please suggest me a way to fetch the values from this JSON string.


I personally use


It's a very fast JSON serializer/deserializer.

I usually create an extension method to make the code tidier:

    public static string ToJson(this object _obj)

        return JsonSerializer.SerializeToString(_obj);


A quick way to fetch those values would be to create a class of the data:

public class Country
    public string name { get; set; }
    public string State { get; set; }
    public int Count { get; set; }

public class CountryInformation
    public Country Country { get; set; }
    public int Population { get; set; }

Then, using ServiceStack:

void SomeFunction(string _Json)
    var FeedResult = _Json.FromJson<CountryInformation>();

You can then get the values from FeedResult as such:


一种选择是使用Json.NET - http://json.codeplex.com/

I normally recommend using typed POCO's like @misterjingo suggested. However for one-off tasks you can use ServiceStack's Json Serializer to parse it dynamically like:

var json = "{\"country\":{\"name\":\"India\",\"State\":\"Raj\": \"Count\": 239}, \"Population\": 25487}";

var jsonObj = JsonObject.Parse(json);
var country = jsonObj.Object("country");

Console.WriteLine("Country Name: {0}, State: {1}, Count: {2} | Population: {3}",
    country["name"], country["State"], country["Count"], jsonObj["Population"]);

//Country Name: India, State: Raj, Count: 239 | Population: 25487

Note: the JSON spec requires an object property name to be a string which is always double quoted.

ServiceStack's JsonSerializer is also the fastest Json Serializer for .NET much faster than other Json Serializers .



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