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Merge every other array php

array one: 1,3,5,7 array two: 2,4,6,8

the array i want would be 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

I'm just using numbers as examples. If it was just numbers i could merge and sort but they will be words. So maybe something like

array one: bob,a,awesome

array two: is,really,dude

should read: bob is a really awesome dude

Not really sure how to do this. Does PHP have something like this built in?

You could write yourself a function like this:

function array_merge_alternating($array1, $array2) {
    if(count($array1) != count($array2)) {
        return false; // Arrays must be the same length

    $mergedArray = array();

    while(count($array1) > 0) {
        $mergedArray[] = array_shift($array1);
        $mergedArray[] = array_shift($array2);
    return $mergedArray;

This function expects two arrays with equal length and merges their values.

If you don't need your values in alternating order you can use array_merge . array_merge will append the second array to the first and will not do what you ask.

Try this elegant solution

function array_alternate($array1, $array2)
    $result = Array();
    array_map(function($item1, $item2) use (&$result)
                    $result[] = $item1;
                    $result[] = $item2;             
                }, $array1, $array2);
    return $result;

This solution works AND it doesn't matter if both arrays are different sizes/lengths:

function array_merge_alternating($array1, $array2)
  $mergedArray = array();

  while( count($array1) > 0 || count($array2) > 0 )
    if ( count($array1) > 0 )
      $mergedArray[] = array_shift($array1);
    if ( count($array2) > 0 )
      $mergedArray[] = array_shift($array2);
  return $mergedArray;

Try this function:

function arrayMergeX()
  $arrays = func_get_args();
  $arrayCount = count($arrays);

  if ( $arrayCount < 0 )
    throw new ErrorException('No arguments passed!');

  $resArr = array();

  $maxLength = count($arrays[0]);

  for ( $i=0; $i<$maxLength; $i+=($arrayCount-1) )
    for ($j=0; $j<$arrayCount; $j++)
      $resArr[] = $arrays[$j][$i];
  return $resArr;

var_dump( arrayMergeX(array(1,3,5,7), array(2,4,6,8)) );
var_dump( arrayMergeX(array('You', 'very'), array('are', 'intelligent.')) );
var_dump( arrayMergeX() );

It works with variable numbers of arrays!

Live on codepad.org: http://codepad.org/c6ZuldEO

if arrays contains numeric values only, you can use merge and sort the array.

    $a = array(1,3,5,7);
    $b = array(2,4,6,8);

    $merged_array = array_merge($a,$b);

else use this solution.

    function my_merge($array1,$array2)
        $newarray = array();
        foreach($array1 as $key => $val)
            $newarray[] = $val;
            if(count($array2) > 0)
                $newarray[] = array_shift($array2)

        return $newarray;


hope this help

Expects both arrays to have the same length:

$result = array();

foreach ($array1 as $i => $elem) {
   array_push($result, $elem, $array2[$i]);

echo join(' ', $result);

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