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JSF2 Can't reach SessionScoped bean from ViewScoped as ManagedProperty

I have a strange problem. Afaik I can inject a SessionScoped bean into a viewscoped, because its broader, than the other. Here is my code:

public class ProjectBean implements Serializable {

private ProjectCurrentBean currentBean;

public void setCurrentBean(ProjectCurrentBean currentBean) {
    this.currentBean = currentBean;

private UserCredentialsBean activeUser;

public void setActiveUser(UserCredentialsBean activeUser) {
    this.activeUser = activeUser;

The 2 managed bean:

public class ProjectCurrentBean implements Serializable  {


public class UserCredentialsBean  implements Serializable {

It works fine with the UserCredentialsBean, but when I put the ProjectCurrentBean it fails:

Unable to create managed bean projectBean. The following problems were found: - The scope of the object referenced by expression #{projectCurrentBean}, request, is shorter   than the referring managed beans (projectBean) scope of view

why? :)

You've not declared the bean using @SessionScoped from javax.faces.bean package , but instead from javax.enterprise.context package . This don't work in combination with @ManagedBean from javax.faces.bean package. The bean will then default to the request scope and behave like @RequestScoped .

Fix your imports.

import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;
import javax.faces.bean.SessionScoped;

public class ProjectCurrentBean implements Serializable {

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