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make Label control text look as good as it does in VS form designer

In VS2008 I designed a form for a C# dll. The dll is a plugin for a somewhat older app (ca. 2005): let's call it "OldApp". In VS form designer, the text in Label controls on my form is nicely rendered: antialiased and properly kerned. But when I bring up this form within OldApp (where the C# dll runs as a plugin), the text in Label controls looks ugly. It's legible, but the kerning is poor: the letters are spaced further apart and at seemingly random offsets. Anything I can do to make the text labels from within OldApp look as good as they do in VS's form designer? I doubt the specific font matters, but it's Arial, 7.2 pt (VS2008 default). I tried playing with the two relevant lines in Program.cs (see below), to no effect.

Application.EnableVisualStyles(); // tried using it and commenting it out
Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(true); // tried true and false

I found a similar problem on MSDN forums that mentions adding the following line after the EnableVisualStyles() method.


Seems to be a bug in older .NET versions...which version are you using?

After an investigation I have some findings, so I'll just answer my own question:

  1. The bad news: the old-style text rendering used by OldApp is what's causing the problem. I verified it by toggling the UseCompatibleTextRendering property for the label control in VS. The font distortion I see is the same one I see in OldApp. Which means that the Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false) line in my code has no effect . OldApp will ignore it and do old-style rendering anyway.

  2. As suggested by DeviantSeev using a bigger font helps a bit. It doesn't get rid of the bad kerning, it just makes it less noticeable. I increased the font from 7.2pt to 8pt only (not 12pt), because the dialog box becomes too big otherwise. The way to do this is in the form's Font property (not the control's). This way, you'll change all controls uniformly (if their Font property is set to default).

  3. The font sizes in VS appear to be discrete rather than continuous, or maybe there's an int() rounding off involved. Increasing the font from 7.2pt to 7.4pt results in very little change, while at 7.5pt the font makes a sudden jump in size.

  4. Forms have an AutoScaleMode property. If it's set to Font and the form is resizeable , the form will resize in VS in proportion to the change in font size. This way, in VS you can find an acceptable middle ground between a (legible) font size and a bloated dialog. However, be careful: the auto-scale operation can suddenly go awry, for example if you change the Font units from points to pixels, inches, etc. You may suddenly end up with microscopic controls or a form bigger than your screen and hitting undo won't fix it . You really don't want to re-design your form again, so save it before any font unit change and then again when you're happy with what you see.

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