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JsTree: changing the “open” icon for folders using the “types” plugin

It's easy to specify what the icon should be for a closed folder using the "types" plugin. But can the types plugin also be used to specify what an open folder should look like, or can I only do this with CSS (like below) ?

li.jstree-open > a .jstree-icon 
    background:url("folder_open.png") 0px 0px no-repeat !important;

A possible solution is to have two type s - one for an open folder, and one for a closed folder. Changing the node type is easy.

From another answer of mine :

<div id="jstree_menu"></div>
/* Load menu tree data */
        'core' : {
            'data' : {
                'url' : '/jstree-menu-data/index.html',
        'plugins' : [ "types" ],
        'types' : {
            'default' : {
                'icon' : 'fa fa-angle-right fa-fw'
            'f-open' : {
                'icon' : 'fa fa-folder-open fa-fw'
            'f-closed' : {
                'icon' : 'fa fa-folder fa-fw'

/* Toggle between folder open and folder closed */
$("#jstree_menu").on('open_node.jstree', function (event, data) {
$("#jstree_menu").on('close_node.jstree', function (event, data) {

@Seventh element:

Your code in the question itself is the answer.It works pretty fine. For open node use

li.jstree-open > a .jstree-icon { background:url("/images/favorites.png") 0px 0px no-repeat !important; }

For closed nodes use

li.jstree-closed > a .jstree-icon { background:url("/images/favorites.png") 0px 0px no-repeat !important; }


If you guys want to use jQuery and bootstrap icon, here is my solution.

[Note: I use glyphicon-folder-open bootstrap icon for folder open and glyphicon-folder-close bootstrap icon for folder close.]

// bind customize icon change function in jsTree open_node event. 
$('#your-jstree').on('open_node.jstree', function(e, data){
   $('#' + data.node.id).find('i.jstree-icon.jstree-themeicon').first()

// bind customize icon change function in jsTree close_node event. 
$('#your-jstree').on('close_node.jstree', function(e, data){
   $('#' + data.node.id).find('i.jstree-icon.jstree-themeicon').first()

or if you are using font-awesome:

// bind customize icon change function in jsTree open_node event. 
$('#jstree').on('open_node.jstree', function(e, data){
    var icon = $('#' + data.node.id).find('i.jstree-icon.jstree-themeicon').first();

// bind customize icon change function in jsTree close_node event. 
$('#jstree').on('close_node.jstree', function(e, data){
    var icon = $('#' + data.node.id).find('i.jstree-icon.jstree-themeicon').first();

今天,有一个名为“set_icon”的函数(参见API ),它允许您从路径字符串或类名设置desider图标。

$.jstree.reference('#jstree').set_icon(node, "/assets/contextMenu_icons/folderOpened.png")

Looks like you need to use css

li.jstree-open[rel=TYPE]{  background:url("openimage.gif") 0px 0px no-repeat !important; }
li.jstree-closed[rel=TYPE]{  background:url("closedimage.gif") 0px 0px no-repeat !important; }
li.jstree-leaf[rel=TYPE]{  background:url("leafimage.gif") 0px 0px no-repeat !important; }

more info in the jsTree forum

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