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Retrieving timestamp from hbase row

使用Hbase API(Get / Put)或HBQL API,是否可以检索特定列的时间戳?

Assuming your client is configured and you have a table setup. Doing a get returns a Result

Get get = new Get(Bytes.toBytes("row_key"));
Result result_foo = table.get(get);

A Result is backed by a KeyValue . KeyValues contain the timestamps. You can get either a list of KeyValues with list() or get an array with raw(). A KeyValue has a get timestamp method.



I think the follow will be better:

KeyValue kv = result.getColumnLatest(family, qualifier);
String status = Bytes.toString(kv.getValue());
Long timestamp = kv.getTimestamp();

since Result#getValue(family, qualifier) is implemented as

public byte[] getValue(byte[] family, byte[] qualifier) {
        KeyValue kv = this.getColumnLatest(family, qualifier);
        return kv == null ? null : kv.getValue();

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