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How do I execute a method every time a tab is pressed from the tab bar?

I want to run a method every time a tab from the tab bar is pressed in my app. How do I do this? I have a tab bar controller in my storyboard (built when i chose tab bar application when I created the project).

For example I want to print 'tab button pressed to the console every time a tab button is pressed.

I tried adding this in the app delegate without any luck:

- (void)tabBar:(UITabBar *)tabBar didSelectItem:(UITabBarItem *)item{

    NSLog(@"Tab Button Pressed");


This is probably quite simple but I'm missing something.


If you are using xcode 4.2.x then the templates set up the UITabBarController in code in the appDelegate

self.tabBarController = [[[UITabBarController alloc] init] autorelease];
self.tabBarController.delegate = self;    //<---- Add this line
self.tabBarController.viewControllers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:viewController1, viewController2, nil];
self.window.rootViewController = self.tabBarController;

If you have an old style project or built your structure using interface builder then:

  1. Right click the Tab bar controller in the objects view
  2. Locate the delegate outlet
  3. Connect the delegate outlet to the File's Owner


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