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How can I create a new instance of a form class and then open it as a acDialog box (pausing other code)?


I have a complex search form that I need to open several times (at the same time) to allow users to do multiple searches at the same time. I have found the ability to open an instance of the form (as it is a class) using:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

'Array to hold Form Instances
Private MyFormCollection(1 To 4) As Form_frmTest

Private Sub cmd_CloneMe_Click()
    Dim intCounter As Integer

    For intCounter = 1 To 4
        Set MyFormCollection(intCounter) = New Form_frmTest
        MyFormCollection(intCounter).Caption = "Form #" & intCounter
        MyFormCollection(intCounter).Visible = True
    Next intCounter

End Sub

This is an example to open multiple instances of a form and not what I will use for the final code as I will only need to open one instant per click BUT will likely have other already open!

BUT I can't work out a way to one of those duplicates as an acDialog (so calling function pauses until you hide or close the new dialog form). Here is the way I would normally open a normal form (not a copy):

Call DoCmd.OpenForm("SomeForm", acNormal, , , , acDialog)


How can I open a new instance of a form as an Dialog box (so calling function pauses until new form is closed or hidden)?


You can use this code to check if a form is visible:

Private Function IsVisible(intObjType As Integer, strObjName As String) As Boolean
    Dim intObjState As Integer
    intObjState = SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, intObjType, strObjName)
    IsVisible = intObjState And acObjStateOpen
End Function

If yes, do nothing but wait:

Do While IsVisible(acForm, "frmInfo")


Ok, another idea: you either have the choice of opening a dialog modal and stop the code in the calling function, or live with more dialogs and have the calling function running.

I think the only way of solving this is a counter of the dialogs open, and refusing to do anything in the calling function when the count is still > 0.

You can write a public function in your called form and until that function returns (by closing the form) the calling method is blocked. In the example below clicking a "Done" button might set the return

Option Explicit
Private m_dlgResult As VbMsgBoxResult

Public Function ShowDialog() As VbMsgBoxResult

    m_dlgResult = vbCancel
    Me.Show vbModal
    ShowDialog = m_dlgResult

End Function

Private Sub Done_Click()

    m_dlgResult = vbOK
    Unload Me

End Sub

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