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Template Toolkit foreach to Smarty

I have a foreach loop in Template Toolkit that I am converting to Smarty, but I am unsure as to what to change it to.

[% FOREACH ps IN pack_stats %]
    [% FOREACH key IN [ id, domain, username, password, plan, price, renew, status ] %]
    <td>[% ps.$key %]</td>
    [% END %]
[% END %]

I know that in smarty the foreach loop changes to {foreach from=$pack_stats item=ps}{/foreach} but the text in the center I am unsure as to what to change it to to loop through each of the keys passed to the ps variable.

I don't know if there's a cleaner way to do this, but one thing you can try is assigning an array of keys to a variable and then doing a standard {foreach} over it:

{assign var='keys' value=','|explode:"id,domain,username,password,..."} 
{foreach from=$pack_stats item=ps}
  {foreach from=$keys item=key}
{$keys = ["id", "domain", "username", "password", "plan", "price", "renew", "status"]}
{foreach $pack_stats as $ps}
    {foreach $keys as $k}

(Smarty3 syntax)

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