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C++ delete operator on pointer, pointer not nulling

I'm trying to implement a directed graph in C++. However, I'm having trouble with my RemoveEdge function, after I call the function and it uses the delete operator on the pointer and set the pointer to nullptr , it is not nulling outside the scope of the function.

I'm not sure if I've stated my problem clearly enough, but maybe some code will help.


template<class TVertex, class TEdge, class TWeight>
class Graph
    std::list<Vertex<TVertex, TEdge, TWeight>*>* _Vertices;
    std::list<Edge<TVertex, TEdge, TWeight>*>* _Edges;
    int TotalVertices();
    int TotalEdges();
    std::list<Vertex<TVertex, TEdge, TWeight>*>* Vertices();
    std::list<Edge<TVertex, TEdge, TWeight>*>* Edges();

    Vertex<TVertex, TEdge, TWeight>* FindVertex(const TVertex&);
    Vertex<TVertex, TEdge, TWeight>* InsertVertex(const TVertex&);
    void RemoveVertex(const TVertex&);

    Edge<TVertex, TEdge, TWeight>* FindEdge(const TEdge&);
    Edge<TVertex, TEdge, TWeight>* InsertEdge(const TVertex&, const TVertex&, const TEdge&, const TWeight&);
    void RemoveEdge(const TEdge&);


template<class TVertex, class TEdge, class TWeight>
Edge<TVertex, TEdge, TWeight>* Graph<TVertex, TEdge, TWeight>::FindEdge(const TEdge& label)
    Edge<TVertex, TEdge, TWeight>* edge = nullptr;
    std::list<Edge<TVertex, TEdge, TWeight>*>::iterator it;

    for(it = this->_Edges->begin(); it != this->_Edges->end(); ++it)
        if(label == (*it)->Label())
            edge = *it;

    return edge;


template<class TVertex, class TEdge, class TWeight>
void Graph<TVertex, TEdge, TWeight>::RemoveEdge(const TEdge& label)
    Edge<TVertex, TEdge, TWeight>* edge = this->FindEdge(label);
    if(edge == nullptr)


            // Problem is here, why isn't this working like I think it should?
    delete edge;
    edge = nullptr;


// created graph
// added vertices
// added edges
Edge<string, string, int>* e5 = graph->InsertEdge("Oshawa", "Toronto", "E5", 5);
cout << ((e5 == nullptr) ? "null" : "not null") << endl; // this outputs not null

So as you can see my program crashes after I remove the edge from the graph, for some reason it is outputting not null after the RemoveEdge function is executed. I'm not sure why this is happening, I've used the delete operator and I've also nulled the pointer explicitly after. What am I doing wrong here?

And yes, I'm sure the edge is being found, the FindEdge function finds the correct edge object and removes it from the appropriate lists but the delete operator is not doing what I want it to do.

Appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.

e5 is a local variable which is different from edge in the class.

Both may point to the same object in memory, doesn't mean that if you make one null, the other would also point to null.

Consider this simple example,

int i = 10;
int *p1 = &i;
int *p2 = p1;

//here p1 and p2 points to the same object in memory which is i
p1 = nullptr; //it makes only p1 point to null

//here only p2 points to i
cout << *p2 << endl; //ok
cout << *p1 << endl; //dangerous - undefined behaviour!

I hope that helps you understanding the behaviour of your program!

Howevere, there is one trick you can do. Instead of using T* , if you use T*& , then you would get expected result:

Edge<string, string, int>* & e5 = graph->InsertEdge("Oshawa", "Toronto", "E5", 5);
//                         ^ see this

cout << ((e5 == nullptr) ? "null" : "not null") << endl;

It should work because now e5 is a reference to the object which is in the class, it no more a different object as such, it is more like an alias of the pointer which you create in InsertEdge and save in the list.

The analogous code using i , p1 and p2 would be this:

int i = 10;
int *p1 = &i;
int* & p2 = p1; //now it is a reference to p1, i.e an alias  of p1

//here p1 and p2 points to the same object in memory which is i

p1 = nullptr; //it makes only p1 point to null

//here both p1 and p2 points to null

 if ( p1 == nullptr)
       cout << "p1 points to null" << endl;
 if ( p2 == nullptr)
       cout << "p2 points to null" << endl;
 if ( p1 == p2)
       cout << "p1 and p2 are equal" << endl;


p1 points to null
p2 points to null
p1 and p2 are equal

Demo : http://ideone.com/ARiIl

Also note these:

//after p1 = nullptr
cout << *p2 << endl; //dangerous - undefined behaviour!
cout << *p1 << endl; //dangerous - undefined behaviour!

To solve updating of e5 outside the function you can use shared_ptr and weak_ptr :

template<class TVertex, class TEdge, class TWeight>
class Graph
  typedef Vertex<TVertex,TEdge,TWeight> VextexType;
  typedef Edge<TVertex,TEdge,TWeight> EdgeType;

  typedef shared_ptr<VertexType> VertexPtr;
  typedef shared_ptr<EdgeType> EdgePtr;

    std::list< VertexPtr >* _Vertices;
    std::list< EdgePtr >* _Edges;
    int TotalVertices();
    int TotalEdges();
    std::list<VertexPtr>* Vertices();
    std::list<EdgePtr>* Edges();

    VertexPtr FindVertex(const TVertex&);
    VertexPtr InsertVertex(const TVertex&);
    void RemoveVertex(const TVertex&);

    EdgePtr FindEdge(const TEdge&)
        for( std::list<EdgePtr>::iterator it = this->_Edges->begin(); it != this->_Edges->end(); ++it)
            if( label == (*it)->Label())
                return *it;
        return EdgePtr();

    EdgePtr InsertEdge(const TVertex&, const TVertex&, const TEdge&, const TWeight&);
    void RemoveEdge(const TEdge& label)
        EdgePtr edge = this->FindEdge(label);

       edge->Source()->RemoveEdge( edge.get() );
       edge->Destination()->RemoveEdge( edge.get() );

Now you can write your section in main like this:

weak_ptr<Edge<string, string, int> > e5( graph->InsertEdge("Oshawa", "Toronto", "E5", 5) );
cout << (e5 ? "null" : "not null") << endl;

Note that we use a weak_ptr to store the return value, rather than a shared_ptr.

You do not null the pointer you create in your main.cpp. You're just nulling a pointer in your RemoveEdge method.

If you want to null the pointer in your main.cpp you could for example pass it to the RemoveEdge function and with this you could eliminate the need for searching inside your list.

edge in RemoveEdge and e5 in Main.cpp are two different local variables. Assigning a value to one of them will not change the value of the other one.

FindEdge returns a copy of the pointer present in the list which you are copying into another copy of the pointer ( edge in RemoveEdge ). So when you set this to NULL only this copy is modified, the pointer in the list is not affected.

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