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How to get data from jQuery script (web.py)?

I can't find any tutorial for jQuery + web.py. So I've got basic question on POST method.

I've got jQuery script:

     jQuery('#continue').click(function() {
         var command = jQuery('#continue').attr('value');
              type: "POST",
              data: {signal : command},

A simple form:

    <button type="submit">Cancel</button>
    <button type="submit" id="continue" value="next">Continue</button>

and python script:

def POST (self):
        s = signal
        print s

I expect to see string "next" in console. But it doesn't happen.

I have a strong feeling that selectors somehow do not work. Any way to check it?

you need to use web.input in web.py to access POST variables

look at the docs: http://webpy.org/docs/0.3/api (search for "function input")

def POST(self):
    s = web.input().signal
    print s
     jQuery('#continue').click(function() {
         var command = jQuery('#continue').attr('value');
              type: "POST",
              data: {signal : command},
              url: "add the url here"

add the url of the server.

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