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GWT I18n configuration

I understand that if the gwt application needs to support multiple locale values, all of them should be configured in module xml as

 <extend-property name="locale" values="de"/>
 <extend-property name="locale" values="es"/>

and then the GWT will decide which locale to load run time using either or . 决定要加载运行时间的语言环境。

But, for the application to support all the locales available, how should i configure in module xml file? Should i add extend-property tag for all the locales or is any other configuration available for this? Please advice.

Yes, that's what you need to do. In the file com.google.gwt.i18n.CldrLocales.gwt.xml you can find all locales. Using the list in that file with some smart copy/replace you could create the configuration you require.

But I doubt you really want to do this. It means you get at least ~450(~number of locales) * 6(different supported browsers) permutations or 2700 different html files, which probably would take hours or even days to compile...

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