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Railo and Tomcat - where is the root directory

I have installed TurnKey Tomcat and deployed a Railo WAR. The default www directory does not seem to recognize .cfm files but notice that is using a .cfm file. Is Railo and Tomcat root dependent on the extension. Where do I need to deploy .cfm files or how can I change the www to work with .cfm?

Tomcat doesn't support ColdFusion by default since it isn't part of Java EE specification. If you want to deploy cfm files on Tomcat you need install ColdFusion first. I have found the following links:

Please check the version of ColdFuion that you need.


Apparently you have Railo installed (ColdFusion Engine) my suggestion is that you review the documentation at http://www.getrailo.org/ . From this site I have found the following:

First is is important to know that the architecture in Railo is different than in other CFML engines. In Railo configuration can be made either per web context level or per global context. Now what is a web context?

What is a web context? A web context is a secured area provided by the application server (and NOT by the webserver). A web context is defined by a entry in the corresponding configuration file of the application server. These files differ from app server to app server. In Resin for example this file is called resin.conf or resin.xml, whereas in Tomcat it is called server.xml. Please check the corresponding documentation of your application server in order to see how to define these web contexts.

The fact that you define new web contexts in the application server is the reason why any definition of a new website in the webserver can only be defined differently on a web context basis if you have mirrored the configuration of the webserver in the application server by using virtual host definitions.

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