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Display multiple live countdown using data retrieved from database

I have multiple time countdowns that need to get displayed on one page and the time left is data from a database.

I'm using examples from another website, and I tried many of them, but I can only display one.

My code:

      $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `time` ");
      while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
           $futuredate = date('F d, Y H:i:s', time()+$row['TimeLeft']);


 <div id="cdcontainer"></div>
 <script type="text/javascript">
      var launchdate = new cdLocalTime("cdcontainer", "server-php", 0, "<?php echo $futuredate;?>", "debugmode")
      launchdate.displaycountdown("days", formatresults)



I'm not familiar with cdLocalTime but one error I see in your code is that you add two divs with the same id. It's not pretty, but try:

$i = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $futuredate = date('F d, Y H:i:s', time()+$row['TimeLeft']);
<div id="cdcontainer_<?=$i?>"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var launchdate=new cdLocalTime("cdcontainer_<?=$i++?>", "server-php", 0, "<?= $futuredate;?>", "debugmode")
launchdate.displaycountdown("days", formatresults)

<?php }

So you will have cdcontainer_0 and cdcontainer_1 for those 2 times. Just in case "<?=" doesnt work its the same as "<? echo"

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