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domDocument - Identifying position of a <br />

I'm using domDocument to parse some HTML, and want to replace breaks with \\n. However, I'm having problems identifying where a break actually occurs within the document.

Given the following snippet of HTML - from a much larger file that I'm reading using $dom->loadHTMLFile($pFilename):

<p>Multiple-line paragraph<br />that has a close tag</p>

and my code:

foreach ($dom->getElementsByTagName('*') as $domElement) {
    switch (strtolower($domElement->nodeName)) {
        case 'p' :
            $str = (string) $domElement->nodeValue;
            echo 'PARAGRAPH: ',$str,PHP_EOL;
        case 'br' :
            echo 'BREAK: ',PHP_EOL;

I get:

PARAGRAPH: Multiple-line paragraphthat has a close tag

How can I identify the position of that break within the paragraph, and replace it with a \\n ?

Or is there a better alternative than using domDocument for parsing HTML that may or may not be well-formed?

You can't get the position of an element using getElementsByTagName . You should go through childNodes of each element and process text nodes and elements separately.

In the general case you'll need recursion, like this:

function processElement(DOMNode $element){
    foreach($element->childNodes as $child){
        if($child instanceOf DOMText){
            echo $child->nodeValue,PHP_EOL;
        }elseif($child instanceOf DOMElement){
            case 'br':
                echo 'BREAK: ',PHP_EOL;
            case 'p':
                echo 'PARAGRAPH: ',PHP_EOL;
                echo 'END OF PARAGRAPH;',PHP_EOL;
            // etc.
            // other cases:

$D = new DOMDocument;
$D->loadHTML('<p>Multiple-line paragraph<br />that has a close tag</p>');

This will output:

Multiple-line paragraph
that has a close tag

Since you don't have to deal with child-nodes and other stuff, why not just replace the br?

$str = '<p>Multiple-line paragraph<br />that has<br>a close tag</p>';
echo preg_replace('/<br\s*\/?>/', "\n", $str);


<p>Multiple-line paragraph
that has
a close tag</p>

Alternative (using Dom):

$str = '<p>Multiple-line<BR>paragraph<br />that<BR/>has<br>a close<Br>tag</p>';

$dom = new DomDocument();

// using xpath here, because it will find every br-tag regardless
// of it being self-closing or not
$xpath = new DomXpath($dom);
foreach ($xpath->query('//br') as $br) {
  $br->parentNode->replaceChild($dom->createTextNode("\n"), $br);

// output whole html
echo $dom->saveHtml();

// or just the body child-nodes
$output = '';
foreach ($xpath->query('//body/*') as $bodyChild) {
  $output .= $dom->saveXml($bodyChild);

echo $output;

I wrote a simple class that doesn't use recursion and should be faster/consume less memory, but basically same primitive idea as @Hrant Khachatrian's (iterate through all elements and look for child tags's):

class DomScParser {

    public static function find(DOMNode &$parent_node, $tag_name) {
        //Check if we already got self-contained node
        if (!$parent_node->childNodes->length) {
            if ($parent_node->nodeName == $tag_name) {
                return $parent_node;
        //Initialize path array
        $dom_path = array($parent_node->firstChild);
        //Initialize found nodes array
        $found_dom_arr = array();
        //Iterate while we have elements in path
        while ($dom_path_size = count($dom_path)) {
            //Get last elemant in path
            $current_node = end($dom_path);
            //If it is an empty element - nothing to do here,
            //we should step back in our path.
            if (!$current_node) {

            if ($current_node->firstChild) {
                //If node has children - add it first child to end of path.
                //As we are looking for self-contained nodes without children,
                //this node is not what we are looking for - change corresponding
                //path elament to his sibling.
                $dom_path[] = $current_node->firstChild;
                $dom_path[$dom_path_size - 1] = $current_node->nextSibling;
            } else {
                //Check if we found correct node, if not - change corresponding
                //path elament to his sibling.
                if ($current_node->nodeName == $tag_name) {
                    $found_dom_arr[] = $current_node;
                $dom_path[$dom_path_size - 1] = $current_node->nextSibling;
        return $found_dom_arr;

    public static function replace(DOMNode &$parent_node, $search_tag_name, $replace_tag) {
        //Check if we got Node to replace found node or just some text.
        if (!$replace_tag instanceof DOMNode) {
            //Get DomDocument object
            if ($parent_node instanceof DOMDocument) {
                $dom = $parent_node;
            } else {
                $dom = $parent_node->ownerDocument;
        $found_tags = self::find($parent_node, $search_tag_name);
        foreach ($found_tags AS &$found_tag) {


$D = new DOMDocument;
$D->loadHTML('<span>test1<br />test2</span>');
DomScParser::replace($D, 'br', "\n");

PS Also it shoudn't break on multiple nested tags as it doesn't use recursion. Example html:

$html=str_repeat('<b>',100).'<br />'.str_repeat('</b>',100);

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