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How to have a button that sends more than one value back to the ActionResult with jquery?

I have this button with which I want to send data back to the ActioResult. I want to send and id and an entity name. The id works fine, but when I also want to send the entity name it does not work. How do I send back multiple variables to the ActionResult? This is my html/javascript:

@model test.Web.Framework.Areas.Administration.Models.TabNotesModel 
@using (UI.DocumentReadyScript())
    if (Model.meta.id.HasValue)
        UI.jQuery("#tbl" + Model.meta.modelname).flexigrid(Model.Grid);
<form method="post" action="@Url.Action("TabNotes", new { cmd = "refresh" })"  id="@Model.meta.modelname">
<div class="ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all highlight" data-bind="visible: meta.message">
    <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-info"></span><strong data-bind="text: meta.message">
@using (UI.BeginBlock("Administation.TabNotes", UI.Label("Notes", "Notes").ToString(), test.Web.Framework.Core.enumIcons.pencil, false, false))
    <table id="@("tbl" + Model.meta.modelname)">
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
    $('#load-partial').click(function() {
        $('#partial').load('@Url.Action("CreateNote", "Entity", new {itemId = @Model.meta.id, modelEntity = @Model.meta.entity})');
// I also tried modelEntity = "Phrase" to test, but that also didn't work

<div id="partial"></div>
<button type="button" id="load-partial">Create Note</button>

and my ActionResult. The modelEntity stays null. The itemId does get the number.

   public ActionResult CreateNote(
        NoteModel Model, string cmd, long? itemId, string modelEntity)

        if (cmd == "Save")
            Model.meta.message = "Note saved";
            Entity entity = NotesRepository.GetEntity(modelEntity);
            NotesRepository.StoreNote(Model.subject, Model.text, entity, itemId);
            return RedirectToAction("TabNotes", new { modelEntity = modelEntity, id = itemId});

        Model.meta.modelname = "CreateNote";
        Model.meta.JsViewModelType = "EditNoteModel";
        Model.meta.PostAction = Url.Action("CreateNote", new { cmd = "Save", itemId = itemId, modelEntity = modelEntity});

        return PartialView("CreateNotePartial",Model);


Url.Action only takes route values there, so you I think you need a route to cope with the second parameter. I assume your current route already has itemId which is why it works.

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