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C# MVC3 - “The resource cannot be found”

I am trying to create another controller for my Ajax handler - so now I have an AppController (The site controller) and an AjaxController (the Ajax request handler).

The problem is, that when I access http://LocalHost:82/Ajax , I get The resource cannot be found . When I access http://LocalHost:82/Ajax/Index , it works.

The problem is the default routing, right? Here is my routing:

            "Default", // Route name
            "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
            new { controller = "App", action = "NewRequests", id = UrlParameter.Optional     } // Parameter defaults

If you need more info dont hesitate to ask. Thanks!

Your routing:

            "Default", // Route name
            "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
            new { controller = "App", action = "NewRequests", id = UrlParameter.Optional     } // Parameter defaults

Declares that default action is NewRequests, so it is expected that your AjaxController would have [HttpGet] NewRequests actions. You can do that by,

public ActionResult NewRequests()
  // ...


[HttpGet, ActionName("NewRequests")]
public ActionResult WhatEverNameOfActionYouLike()
  // ...

Is there an NewRequests method returning an ActionResult in the Ajax controller? If not, this makes sense as your default action is NewRequests.

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