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Configuring LAMP to Send Mails

I have LAMP stack installed on VPS. Would like to send mails using PHP's internal mail() function.

I have an account with Fastmail, and have credentials for their SMTP Server. So would like to use that for mailing purposes instead of setting one of my own. Additionally, there should be a way to throttle/queue the mails.

Can someone guide me to the direction to where should I start?

EDIT: I am on Ubuntu on Linode.

NOTE: This is not for spamming. Its meant for my side project.

使用Php mailer类[ http://pear.php.net/package/Mail/ ]并只需编写简单的包装程序即可完成排队任务,设置电子邮件凭证以发送电子邮件。

depending upon your os Windows or *nix

configure your smtp service accordingly

This will help u

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