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Custom control and required field validator

i am creating a custom control for the textbox.Let say when the textbox's action is edit , the textbox will render same as textbox .On the other hand , when the textbox is action is view , then textbox will render as label.But now i got a problem , how can i validate my textbox with the required field validator when the textbox's action is edit?Here is my coding

[ToolboxData(@"<{0}:cusTextBox runat=""server"" Action=""Edit"" />")]

public class cusTextBox:TextBox
    public string Action
            String s = (String)ViewState["Action"];
            return ((s == null) ? String.Empty : s);
            ViewState["Action"] = value;

    public override void RenderControl(HtmlTextWriter writer)
        if (Action ==gbcCommandVariable.CommandEdit)


        else if (Action == gbcCommandVariable.CommandView)

            writer.Write(String.Format(@"<span ID=""{0}"" style=""display:inline-block; white-space:inherit"" >{1}</span> ", this.ClientID, this.Text));


My front end

             <cc1:cusTextBox ID="cusTextBox1" runat="server" Action="View" ></cc1:cusTextBox>
             <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" onclick="Button1_Click1" 
                 Text="Button" />
             <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator1" runat="server" 

Please help me .Urgent.THanks


   public class cusTextBox:TextBox

attribute helps you.

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