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How can i get value from selection box in javascript?

                                <table border="1">
                                            SR No.<br />
                                            Contact No.
                                            Volunteer List
                                            Bird Namea
                                            Send SMS
                                        while($row = mysql_fetch_array($pager->result))
                                            <?php echo $row['InqID']; ?>
                                            <?php echo $row['InqFromName']; ?>
                                            <?php echo $row['InqFromAddress']; ?>
                                            <?php echo $row['InqArea']; ?>
                                            <?php echo $row['InqCity']; ?>
                                            <?php echo $row['InqContactNo']; ?>
                                        <select name="volunteerSelect1" id="volunteerSelect1">
                                            <option value="" selected="selected">Please Select Volunteer</option>
                                                $select="SELECT * FROM tran_ngovolent where ngovolentNGOCode=".$ngoSelectId;
                                                //echo $select;
                                                    echo"<option value=".$rowBird['ngovolentMobile']." id='volmobile'>".$rowBird['ngovolentName']."</option>";
                                                $birdSelect="SELECT Bird_Name FROM mst_bird WHERE Bird_Code=".$birdID;
                                                    echo $birdname;
                                                    echo "<a href='index.php?id=".$row['InqID']."&status=status&page=".$pageid."' onclick='return confirmAction()'>Pending</a>";

                                                    echo "Finished";
                                            <input type="button" name="SendSMS" value="Send SMS" onclick="smsNgo(<?php echo $birdID;?>,<?php echo "'".$row['InqFromAddress']."'";?>,<?php echo "'".$birdname."'";?>,<?php echo "'".$row['InqCity']."'";?>,<?php echo "'".$row['InqArea']."'";?>,<?php echo "'".$row['InqFromName']."'";?>,<?php echo "'".$row['InqContactNo']."'";?>);return sms()"/> 
                                        <td colspan="10">
                                           <?php echo $pager->show(); ?>

In this Program i get value from database in my selection box. show this image 在此处输入图片说明

In first selection box i got perfect out put in my JavaScript but other one selection box value is null or empty Here is my JavaScript and Ajax code.

function smsNgo(birdno,address,birdname,city,area,name,contact)
var ngocontact = document.getElementById("volunteerSelect1").value;
//var ngocontact = selectElement.options[selectElement.selectedIndex].value;

var xmlhttp;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
 {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
  xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
  {// code for IE6, IE5
  xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
  if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)

 var url="http://www.****.co.in/sendsms.aspx?mobile=******&pass=******&    senderid=SMSIdea&to="+ngocontact+"&msg=Bird id is "+birdno+" "+birdname+" "+name+"     "+address+" "+area+" "+city+" "+contact;

You can make the volunteerSelect1 name unique by adding some db unique id with it. May be InqID in this case?

<select name="volunteerSelect_<?php echo $row['InqID']; ?>" 
    id="volunteerSelect_<?php echo $row['InqID']; ?>">

From a glance, i can see the name="" for all the <select> tags are the same... "volunteerSelect1"

try using something like volunteerSelect[id] or volunteerSelect[]

The SAME thing applies to the id="" attribute, they are all using the same ID, this is used by javascript to identify a particular DOM item

However you cant use [] in the id try volunteerSelect_ID

That's probably the problem, the ID attribute

modify this <select name="volunteerSelect1" id="volunteerSelect1"> to this

<select name="volunteerSelect1" id="volunteerSelect<?php echo $row['InqID']; ?>">

then this <input type="button" name="SendSMS" value="Send SMS" onclick="smsNgo(<?php echo $birdID;?>,<?php echo "'".$row['InqFromAddress']."'";?>,<?php echo "'".$birdname."'";?>,<?php echo "'".$row['InqCity']."'";?>,<?php echo "'".$row['InqArea']."'";?>,<?php echo "'".$row['InqFromName']."'";?>,<?php echo "'".$row['InqContactNo']."'";?>);return sms()"/>

to this <input type="button" name="SendSMS" value="Send SMS" onclick="smsNgo(<?php echo $row['InqID']; ?>,<?php echo $birdID;?>,<?php echo "'".$row['InqFromAddress']."'";?>,<?php echo "'".$birdname."'";?>,<?php echo "'".$row['InqCity']."'";?>,<?php echo "'".$row['InqArea']."'";?>,<?php echo "'".$row['InqFromName']."'";?>,<?php echo "'".$row['InqContactNo']."'";?>);return sms()"/>

then this function smsNgo(birdno,address,birdname,city,area,name,contact) to this function smsNgo(inqid,birdno,address,birdname,city,area,name,contact)

and finally this var ngocontact = document.getElementById("volunteerSelect1").value;

to this var ngocontact = document.getElementById("volunteerSelect" + inqid).value;

Basically, what I did that i added an unique identifier to each selectbox according to inqid. Then I call function smsNgo with this ID and select the right selectbox :)

Since you tagged this as jquery. so to get the value from select dropdown, you will use something like this

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