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Parse XML response from PHP CURL

I am trying to use an API that returns the following structure

     <DateCreated>Tue, 10 Aug 2010 08:02:17 +0000</DateCreated>
     <DateUpdated>Tue, 10 Aug 2010 08:02:47 +0000</DateUpdated>
     <StartTime>Tue, 10 Aug 2010 08:02:31 +0000</StartTime>
     <EndTime>Tue, 10 Aug 2010 08:02:47 +0000</EndTime>

I can get to the XML data by using CURL which works fine like this:

    $handle = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_URL, $base_url."/Accounts/{$accountSid}/Calls");
    curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    $response = curl_exec($handle);

however once I get the data back as XML I try and put it into a simpleXML element and return it back to the page that called this function as follows:

    $xml = new SimpleXmlElement($response);
  return $xml;
  return false;

When I return the XML to the page that called the function, I can see a whole lot of simpleXMLElement Objects if I do a print_r() but when I try and do a foreach($xml->TwilioResponse->call as $call) I get nothing and it does not seem like I can actually drill into the data at all.

Can someone help me and point out where I am going wrong with this? It has been driving me absolutely crazy for the past couple of hours.


It looks like there are two problems with $xml->TwilioResponse->call .

  1. $xml contains the TwilioResponse element (the "document element"), $xml->TwilioResponse is incorrect.
  2. (XML and) SimpleXML element names are case-sensitive, call should be Call .

Give $xml->Call a spin.

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