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How would you write this in VB.net? I don't get index++

Really trivial I suppose, but I don't understand what index++ does. How would this be written in VB.net?

int index = 0;
foreach(String prop in props.Keys)
     pSpec.pathSet[index++] = prop;

It's just a post-increment. Meaning it will return it's value and then increase it's value by 1.

pSpec.pathSet[index++] = prop;

in VB.net would most likely be just:

pSpec.pathSet[index] = prop
index = index + 1 // this would work
index += 1 // this would work too

It's just important to note that you can't do it inline that way (as you'll need the previous value).

The increment operator (++) increments its operand by 1. The increment operator can appear before or after its operand:

It's is the same index = index +1;

Dim index As Integer = 0
For Each prop As [String] In props.Keys
    index = index +1
    pSpec.pathSet(index) = prop

well you will have to increment it in this fashion

index =index + 1;

or index +=1

If interested why no increment operator

Got this using this

Dim index As Integer = 0
For Each prop As [String] In props.Keys
    pSpec.pathSet(System.Math.Max(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(index),index - 1)) = prop

index++ will increment index by 1.

I don't know much VB but you could do:

index = index + 1

index++ returns the current value of index and after that, it increments the value of index .

In the first iteration, it will return 0 as value, and after it the value will be increased to 1. In the second iteration, it will return 1 as value, and after it the value will be increased to 2.

The '++' operator doesn't exist in VB, you have to increment it yourself.

Is this what you are looking for

Dim index As Integer = 0
For Each prop As [String] In props.Keys
    pSpec.pathSet(System.Math.Max(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(index),index - 1)) = prop

index++ increments the value of index by 1. That syntax is not available in VB.NET (http://www.knowdotnet.com/articles/paulvick.html)

so index++ is the equivalent of index = index+1 your vb code should be something like:

 index = index+1
 pSpec.pathSet[index] = prop

As mentioned this just increments the value.

++ is not a valid operator in VB.NET but the closest thing is probably:

index += 1

This was a nice change for anyone coming from VB6 because before we had to always use the longhand index = index + 1

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