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array as function param

I have flash application, which creates array and calls javascript function.

var jsParams = ["3011","3012","3013","3014","3015"];
ExternalInterface.call("doCall", jsParams);

And this is my javascript function:

function doCall(params) {

The output in the firebug is:


But for the second line i was expecting 3011 and not [. Then i have tried to call same function with same params from firebug and the function outputed:


My question is how to pass params from actionscript to javascript as array and not as string value.


It looks like the params variable is being passed in as a string, rather than an array.

Square bracket notation, when applied to a string, represents the character at the supplied index, which in this case would be the '[' (position 0).

You should look into JSON decoding to find a safe way to convert the string back into an array , I wouldn't recommend eval , and JSON.decode isn't widely supported.

have you tried encapsulating the array within another array?

ExternalInterface.call("doCall", [jsParams]);

I think a initial array is so you can pass mulitple sets of parameters

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