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Drupal - Surround specific webform elements with a div

as the title describes, I am to style a webform and for that i need to surround specific fields in divs in order to give them their CSS properties and I have no idea how I should go about doing that.

I've caught the form with hook_form_alter but no idea what to do after.

Any help?

In your themes template.php file you need to get the forms ID and then you can do something like the following:

function phptemplate_webform_form_FORM_ID ($form) {
  $form['#prefix'] = '<div class="CLASS NAME">';
  $form['#suffix'] = '</div>';
  return _phptemplate_callback('webform_form_FORM_ID', array('form' => $form));

Replace FORM_ID with your form's ID.


To add them for specific fields just do (something like) this:

$form['ELEMENT_NAME']['#prefix'] = '<div class="CLASS NAME">';
$form['ELEMENT_NAME']['#suffix'] = '</div>';

I've not got time to test it but replace ELEMENT_NAME with the element and that should solve your problem. There's a good page on it here - http://drupal.org/node/79086

You can use #field_prefix and #field_suffix to wrap field with any HTML element. See example below:

    function auworks_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
      switch($form_id) {
        case 'webform_client_form_1':
          $form['submitted']['title']['#field_suffix'] = '<span class="field-suffix">#</span>';

Let me know how you go...

Additionally: in case you want to add containing div's to the submit button of the webform, here's a hook which will help you out:

function YOURTHEMENAME_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {

    if ($form['#form_id'] === 'webform_client_form_YOURWEBFORMID') {
        $form_structure = &$form['submitted'];

        $form['actions']['submit']['#prefix'] = '<div class="extra_div">';
        $form['actions']['submit']['#suffix'] = '</div>';


If you want to apply this to all webforms, you just leave the conditional away, like this:

function YOURTHEMENAME_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {

    $form_structure = &$form['submitted'];

    $form['actions']['submit']['#prefix'] = '<div class="extra_div">';
    $form['actions']['submit']['#suffix'] = '</div>';    

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