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Calling extended class function from parent class

I'm new to OO PHP. Got some questions.

class a {
protected function a1 (){

class b extends a {
public function b1(){

Let's say we have 2 classes like explained above. I'm calling b's method like example below

class a {
var $b;
function __construct()
$b= new b();
protected function a1 (){

class b extends a {
public function b1(){

I know that, it's possible to call parent class'es method from extended class, but I wonder if reverse way is possible? I mean, calling extended classes method from inside parent class (in this case, class b 's method from class a ) without declaring in __contruct , simply by $this->b() ;?

Yes, you can call a method in the extending class.

class a 
    public function a1 ()

    protected function b1()
        echo 'This is in the a class<br />';

class b extends a 
    protected function b1()
        echo 'This is in the b class<br />';

class c extends a
    protected function b1()
        echo 'This is in the c class<br />';

$a = new a();

$b = new b();

$c = new c();

This will result in:

This is in the a class
This is in the b class
This is in the c class

You may also be interested in abstract classes http://us3.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.abstract.php

使用PHP __call__callStatic Magic方法


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