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Vim NERDTree re-size vsplit

I am using the NERDTree plugin for Vim. When using the s: open vsplit command, is it possible to resize the windows so that the file is taking up a larger portion of the screen than the directory tree?

[ EDIT 1 ]

I have attached a screeshot of my split view using NERDTree: NERDTree截图

I have installed NERDTree to ~/.vim

[ EDIT 2 ]

I do not appear to have ~/.vimrc. I have included a screenshot of /etc/vim/.vimrc


You should give more context, like paste your .vimrc and add a screenshot because (what I understand is) the behaviour you want is AFAIK NERDTree's default behaviour.

The only situation I can imagine where a new vertical split would be smaller than NERDTree is when you already have a bunch of vertical splits and Vim is adjusting their width to accomodate the new one.

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