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How to apply a customized style to a custom control in code behind

I've got a simple custom control :

namespace Application.Custom_Controls
    public class ReadOnlyTextBox : TextBox
        public ReadOnlyTextBox()
            this.DefaultStyleKey = typeof(ReadOnlyTextBox);
            this.IsReadOnly = true;

And a custom style to make the control look like a TextBlock (in App.xaml).

    xmlns:tb = "clr-namespace:Application.Custom_Controls"

    <!--Application Resources-->
        <Style x:Key="ReadOnlyTextBox" TargetType="tb:ReadOnlyTextBox">
            <Setter Property="Template">
                <ControlTemplate TargetType="tb:ReadOnlyTextBox">

But when I'm using it in my application it does'nt display at all. It diplays as a normal TextBox if I remove this.DefaultStyleKey = typeof(ReadOnlyTextBox); .

How to apply this style to my custom control in code behind ?

By the way, this style works well in xaml with Style="{StaticResource ReadOnlyTextBox}" , but I can't use xaml in this case.

Thanks in advance.

this.Style = (Style)Application.Current.Resources["ReadOnlyTextBox"];


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