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Linking libCurl in QT gives a huge list of errors C++

I am trying to link libCurl in QT to a C++ program on Windows 7 x64, but when I try to link libcurldll.a , I get a huge list of errors. I have tried compiling a similar function with GCC g++ -LC:\\MinGW\\lib -lcurldll which compiles without errors. I am using the below code in QT and GCC.

void MainWindow::on_pushButton_2_clicked()
    CURL *curl;
    curl = curl_easy_init();
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, "http://google.com");

QT gives me a huge list of errors that I have pasted here . Some of the key errors are tlsthrd.c:-1: error: undefined reference to 'EnterCriticalSection@4' I am using LIBS += -LC:\\MinGW\\lib -lcurldll in my .pro file to link the project to the curl library. Any idea as to why this is happening? Cheers.

Edit: After a deeper look, it appears as if libmingw32.a is having some issues providing references to functions used for multi-threading. Should I try and replace the library file? If so, why is GCC compiling correctly with the same library file but QT is not?

.pro文件中添加win32:LIBS += c:\\MinGW\\lib\\libcurldll.a可以了。

Blarp. Don't use lib curl, Qt has QNetworkAccessManager already which elegantly handles requests and responses using thread-safe Qt signals. Everything you need is there already.

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