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Export xml to csv row

I have the following xml file to give an idea of layout,

<condition data="Mostly Cloudy" /> 
<temp_f data="48" /> 
<temp_c data="9" /> 
<humidity data="Humidity: 71%" /> 
<icon data="/ig/images/weather/mostly_cloudy.gif" /> 
<wind_condition data="Wind: W at 17 mph" /> 
<day_of_week data="Sun" /> 
<low data="34" /> 
<high data="48" /> 
<icon data="/ig/images/weather/mostly_sunny.gif" /> 
<condition data="Partly Sunny" /> 
<day_of_week data="Mon" /> 
<low data="32" /> 
<high data="45" /> 
<icon data="/ig/images/weather/sunny.gif" /> 
<condition data="Clear" /> 

I am learning c# and want to export to csv using a row for each day of the week, where info for a day is not available i need to show no data in the csv row. I appreciate the simplest solution as i am learning :)

I'm assuming you want to ignore the current conditions node as it doesn't make much sense to me to have a csv file where the columns don't all match the same data. For getting all the forecast info into a csv you can use:

XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(...);    
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1000);
foreach (XElement node in doc.Descendants("forecast_conditions"))
    foreach(XElement innerNode in node.Elements())
       sb.AppendFormat("{0},", innerNode.Attribute("data").Value);
    //Remove trailing comma
    sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1);
File.WriteAllText(@"c:\temp.csv", sb.ToString());

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