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String literals without having to escape special characters?

Is there a string literal form in Objective-c that does not require escaping special characters? In other words, I'm looking for an equivalent to the Python triple quote.

I'm trying to put some HTML into an NSString , and would like to avoid having to escape the quotes from all the HTML attributes.

In C++11 you can do this. See my answer to a similar question .

For this you require in your case Objective-C++11. It should work though in gcc.

const char * html = R"HTML(
   <TITLE> [Python-Dev] Triple-quoted strings and indentation
 <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
  blah blah blah


g++ -std=c++0x -o raw_string raw_string.mm at least compiles.

There's no equivalent to the triple-quote; string literals must always use escapes for special characters.

Perhaps the best thing to do would be to put your HTML into a file separate from your source, then create the string using -[NSString initWithContentsOfFile:encoding:error:] (or the related initWithContentsOfURL:... ).

Nope, unfortunately not ... there's some great info on string literals in obj-c here:

For anyone reading this now:

This feature has been implemented since Swift 4. Read more about it here: https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0168-multi-line-string-literals.md

You can do:

let author = "Im the author!"
let x = """
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <book id="bk101" empty="">
            <title>XML Developer's Guide</title>
            <description>An in-depth look at creating applications with XML.</description>

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